Thursday, November 10, 2011

Torontoland Snowman in Berczy Square

Berczy Park is getting ready for winter. The fountain sits empty, well except for the large tree branch someone has thrown in, and the snowman sits along the sidewalk of Front Street. The snowman is a surprise because it really isn't cold enough yet for snowmen, maybe cold enough for a Yeti on the prowl in the big city but certainly not cold enough to roll snow, pile up the balls and stick a carrot in it's chubby face. There is also a black and white version in the Historic Distillery District and another one at Toronto City Hall.
A closer examination shows that the snowman is made of faux wood paneling and sits next to a sign that proclaims it is a Torontoland Snap a Snowman installation. Take a photo of the snowman with your phone, text or email it (as per the directions in the picture of the sign), and they say they will donate $2 to Starlight Children's Foundation Canada. Tourism Toronto is behind the marketing campaign and they say that 20 of the installations are out there, maybe you can find them all.

The snowman seemed like it was right out of a 70's wood paneled family room - not like the recent beauty found at Harold and Kumar's Y-D Square tree lighting ceremony.

The Yorkville Torontoland Snowman

See more Snowmen after the jump.

At the Campbell House Museum
The bird snowman at Queen Street West and University Ave.

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