Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Trains and the rails they rode in on

Many people are fascinated by trains, real ones, toy trains, scale replica trains (see the Model Railway Club of Toronto), you name it, they like it. Put it on a big sheet of plywood and stick it in the basement, build some scenery, put in a station and maybe a tunnel and voila, you are now a conductor and railway owner.
There are a lot of train tracks running throughout Toronto - many going into Union Station (GO Transit, VIA, CN, CP and the underground trains of the TTC's subway), and there are a few baby trains that are meant for fun rides such as those found at Centre Island (the Iron Horse in Centreville), Woodbine Mall (Fantasy Fair Express) and down at Roundhouse Park (Miniature Railway) across from the Rogers Centre.
Riding the Miniature Railway at Roundhouse Park

For those looking to find the full size trains you can check out the both Roundhouse Park (three pictures at top) and the Halton County Radial Railway collections.
Train tracks coming in from the north and west of Toronto into Union Station.
White and green of the GO Train.

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