Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thunder over Michigan Air Show 2011

The rain did not last long and helped to cool down the Ypsilanti's Willow Run Airport for the 2011 edition of the Thunder over Michigan Air Show which ran July 23 and 24 in Michigan, USA. The airport was chock full of vintage and serving military aircraft including the VTOL MV-22 Osprey with its two huge propellers that rotate and allow forward or upward flight. The Blue Angels were the star of the show this year but there were also a lot of other stars at the event.
The airshow is fantastic for what you can see on the ground and what you can see overhead as the planes scream by along the runways. You could also see the Belleville Re-enactor Parade and the European Battle Theatre engagement just before the airshow began. Some of the serving planes were painted in their World War II squadron colours.

See more planes after the jump.

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