Sunday, April 03, 2011

Toronto Pillow Fight 2011

The annual Toronto Pillow Fight has moved from the Yonge and Eglinton to Yonge-Dundas Square. It also started later in the day from the previous rounds - now the pillows started flying at 8:00pm in the evening. Luckily the nearby advertising billboards provided some extra light on the fun. The pillow fighters wore less costumes due to the cold (even though some brave souls fought without shirts) than last year (see my pictures of the 2010 fight here).
I met Lori Kufner (above), one of the organizers of the Toronto event from hugging a large stuffed bunny rabbit (I asked her if it pooped jelly beans and she said yes!), who was enjoying the amount of people who turned out to participate and also the people who were on hand to watch the excitement. The date change was made to coincide with International Pillow Fight Day held around the world on April 2nd. Check out the 2012 Bunny Edition Pillow Fight on my post here.
There was also a band called Samba Elegua that had a groovin' beat pumping the crowd up in a fury of pillow flinging state and a small group friendly people giving out Free Hugs.

See more of my pictures after the jump (click on Read more >>,  below).

The Awesome League

Have you seen my change purse?

Samba Elegua (above and below)


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