Saturday, April 09, 2011

Roller Derby - Gore Gore Rollergirls vs Chicks Ahoy

April 9, 2011 at 6:30pm (doors open) in Downsview Park's Hanger is where two mighty Toronto Roller Derby teams go wheel to wheel, lingerie to lingerie, and put the hurtin' on. The almost unstoppable Gore Gore Rollergirls, resplendent in leopard print uniforms, go against the Chicks Ahoy dressed in green and black. The Chicks know how to fight and will try to crush the Rollergirls so the Chick's Jammers will have to put the hammer down.
The Chick's hammer came up short as the Gore Gores won the battle with a final score of 132 to 83. It had been so close up to half time - then the Gores staged a rally after the break. Members of the Toronto Argonauts were at the game (they even blew the whistle to officially start the game) and I think they may have been intimidated by the hits the girls were giving and getting. They met a few of their own fans at the derby game.

Gore Gore Manager Reverend Ramirez during the pre-game workouts as fans fill the Hanger.
Hurlin Wall #89
After the game group shot

See more derby action photos after the jump (click Read More >>, below).
The early part of the day is spent on team practice and warm up. It's when the place is empty that you realize that this place really was a hanger.

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