Thursday, November 18, 2010

Polar Bear Dip 2011 - get ready to freeze your ass off

Update: See my photos and coverage of the 2011 Habitat for Humanity Polar Bear Dip and the Sears Great Canadian Chill on my post here. Here are a few more pictures of the excitement of the cold weather dip from January 1, 2011

Oh my god, we are just starting to go beyond cool and into chilly territory, soon it will be full fledged cold followed by frigid, bitter winter - just in time for the 2011 Toronto Polar Bear Dip! New Years Day will be time to put on your fur lined thong and join the swimmers jumping into Toronto Harbour at Sunnyside Beach and also the new Sears Great Canadian Chill at Ashbridges Bay.

Raising money for Habitat for Humanity Toronto the more than 200 swimmers expected for the dip will need to register at 11:30am and jump into the water at noon. Last year they raised more than $15,000. Bring more than $20 in pledges or make a minimum $20 in donations to participate. They plan to have musical guests this year along with free coffee and hot chocolate from sponsor Starbucks and give-aways for each participant.

See lots more pictures after the jump.

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