Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flat Track Roller Derby Semi-Final #2

Downright Dirty Dawson #Z682

The second half of the Toronto Roller Derbry (ToRD) flat track semi-finals slammed into the Hanger as the Death Track Dolls and Chicks Ahoy went wheel to wheel and shoulder to shoulder. Doors opened at 6:30pm today (Saturday, October 23rd) and the game started at 7:30pm. The Dolls were in white and the Chicks were in green and Chicks Ahoy kicked a little ass tonite and took the semi-final game. I was sad because I love the Dolls and one of my favourite players is the incredibly fast Land Shark #33.
Jammers Demolition Dawn #36 & Candy Crossbones #5446
Toronto's Roller Derby League play is one of the best sports entertainment events you can go to with it's eclectic mix of action, girls, costumes and musical guests. The costs of tickets is very reasonable and so is the price of beer - and as a bonus parking is free! You can buy your tickets now for the hell on wheels 2010 competition final.

From ToRD "Ask the Death Track Dolls what kind of year it is and they’ll confidently proclaim, “Year of the Doll!” Showing an immense amount of team-work and strategy this year, the Dolls are stronger and more driven than ever before. Not to be underestimated, they are out for blood and there is no such thing as mercy at this stage. Poised to continue onto the championships for the first time, there will be no holds barred. The Death Track Dolls want their chance at fighting for TORD’s top trophy: The Boot, and they’re prepared to put up one helluva fight for it.
Land Shark #33 blows by the pack
The last time these two teams met on the track, Chicks Ahoy! squeaked by with a thin 121-109 victory – very close in the world of roller derby. This outcome has fostered a sense that both teams have something to prove in their rematch. The Chicks Ahoy! are a crushing force to be reckoned with, executing devastating hits and impassable walls that can render even the best jammers useless. But the Chicks are more than that, and they will be bringing every tactic and well practiced strategy in their arsenal to the track in hopes of a victory."
The winner goes into the Championship game against the Gore-Gore Rollergirls scheduled for Saturday, November 30th, 2010. The final game will provide the winner with the top prize; The Boot (I don't think I would like to get the boot, but I guess it's good in this case). In the picture below I think someone didn't get the boot, they got the hand and by the look of the tattoo the hand formerly belonged to a Chicks Ahoy skater. Sometimes those games are rough!
The place was jammed with fans and the arena filled up fast with people sitting on bleachers, sofas, lawn chairs or on the floor. The anthem and half time show featured the Cowgirl Choir.

The Cowgirl Choir

You can see more photos of the action after the jump.

Monichrome #35

And down they go

Warming up

Monichrome #35 blocks Hum Dinger #96 & Rebel Rock-It #7

Robber Blind #34A tries to break through the Doll's Line

Land Shark #33 bangs against Masher the Smasher #2x4

Slam Wow #I9.95+tax checks the Chick's Jammer

Winning team Chicks Ahoy Captain Mach Wheels #V12 with Dyna Hurtcha #2I

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